Edo Kondologit

Edo Kondologit

Edo Kondologit is an artist from the land of Papua, starting his career as a vocalist in Jakarta, he’s joined Asia Bagus festival from 1992, he has released 4 albums, 1). “Yang Menangis 1998/ 2).”Pagi Pertama 2002. /3).Amazing Grace 2004.( reelease di Jepang)/ 4).Aku Papua 2013. And played in a few films including ,( Red Cobeks , Pacarku Anak Koruptor, Salah body,Boven Digoel),  he has starred in sitcoms including “Keluarga Minus” on Trans tv, with 200 episodes. Right now he is active in politics, becoming the chairman of DPC/Party leadership board PDI perjuangan in Sorong West Papua.


To Edo, the ocean is a playground and a source of life. Growing up in Sorong which is close to the se, he has always enjoyed the sea as well as fishing, Which means that the sea has become inseparable part of Edo’s life. living with his family in the island of Doom in Sorong with their house right above the water, he swims in the ocean everyday.

My Ocean Pride

“Because my life is very close to the ocean, to me the ocean is a big part of my life. A clean ocean means my life is better. Vice Versa an ocean full of increasing plastic garbage is very concerning. Because of that I’m very excited to be involved in a program to protect the sea. Because the sea is a source of life”.

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