Hamish Daud
Hamish Daud grew up in the islands of Indonesia between Jakarta, Bali and Sumba. with a Higher education in Sydney Australia. Hamish and his partners currently have an architecture firm called saka.id with offices in Aceh & Jogjakarta focusing on sustainable development. Hamish has recently shifted his creativity to acting and presenting documentaries series’ in the Indonesian entertainment industry.
Hamish has been exposed to his beloved manta rays since a young age. Stories of interacting with large mantas as a child has left Hamish humbled by the power, mysteriousness, and grace that manta rays possess. “I remember being a 9 year old kid when my father and I used to go out and put a small fishing net in the middle of the bay for personal consumption of fish. One day, as I was pulling the net in this huge (at that age I thought it was a monster! *laughs) Oceanic Manta came up out of nowhere, swam into the net and nearly capsized our little boat. I had to cut the net freeing the manta and also saving us from sinking! I was just blown away by the sheer strength, and grace of these beautiful creatures. Growing up I’d see mantas flying in the air, cruising past while I was swimming and just surprising me with their humbling presence. My childhood introductions to manta rays were very special experiences and I still hold these memories close to me. Now, to be part of a movement where I can help educate, inspire and instill ocean pride in people is a wonderful opportunity. Indonesian Ocean Pride is paramount to how I live and I am honoured to be part of this team.”
“The ocean has given me experiences that have molded me into the man I am today. My childhood in the sea experiencing biodiversity at its best has granted me with a perception and understanding I hold close to my heart. Understanding behaviour systems of species and ocean conditions from a young age has made the ocean my lifestyle, work and passion. I will do my best to pass down these experiences to my offspring. So it is my duty to preserve our ocean in order for them to see what I’ve seen.”