Shawn Heinrichs
Shawn is a conservation media strategist and Emmy Award winning cinematographer and photographer. Founder of Blue Sphere Foundation, he has become a major force in the global fight to protect threatened marine species and habitats. Fueled by his passion for the oceans, his groundbreaking work fuses dramatic imagery with intimate and thought-provoking stories, to connect the global community to the beauty and vulnerability of threatened marine species and habitats. Shawn was one of the lead activists, cinematographers, and co-creators of the Emmy-nominated film, ‘Racing Extinction’, one of the most watched environmental documentaries of our time. His groundbreaking work has been featured in National Geographic, BBC and numerous media outlets. Shawn serves on the International Board of WildAid, is a Director of Manta Trust, a SeaLegacy Collective member, a Safina Fellow, and an iLCP Fellow.